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Thursday, November 3, 2022

Blog Post #9: Thursday 11/03 [My Experience as a Distance Learner, Open Educational Resources, and PowerPoint Assignments]

 Blog Post #9: Thursday 11/03

My Experience as a Distance Learner

As a junior in high school, I was one of the few students to return to school as soon as possible. I was adamant that I would be much more successful learning in person rather than online. Therefore, I only spent the last grading period of my sophomore year. I disliked several things about distance learning. For one, I tend to panic when I don’t have access to immediate help from my teachers. Additionally, I much prefer physical communication to digital because it’s difficult to show my teachers what material I’m trying to discuss. Finally, most of my teachers were not digital natives, and a large portion of class time was wasted as they attempted to solve technology problems. I enjoyed having the freedom to delegate my free time between doing assignments on my chosen tasks at home. If I was a distance teacher, I would ensure that I was fully knowledgeable about the technological equipment in use. I would also conduct regular meetings with distance learners to discuss their progress and address any questions.

Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources can be described as free and accessible learning tools that are available to all students. OERs are effective tools to close the education accessibility gap and eventually diminish gaps between social statuses. One example of an OER is WikiBooks. WikiBooks is a vast database of free, accessible ebooks on countless subjects. The software is interactive in the sense that "anyone can edit" their book selection. There is a 'community' page linked on the sidebar and a clear way to contact the website administration. Regarding inclusion, there are several languages to choose from at the bottom of the sidebar. 

WikiBooks can be accessed using this link:

Skills Acquired from PowerPoint Assignments

Unfortunately, I could not complete Assignment 4 before today due to illness. However, the assignment taught me more about PowerPoint than I knew. For one, I didn’t know how to record my voice while traversing through slides. I also wasn’t too familiar with inserting slide numbers or footers. I’m glad I will learn more about PowerPoint because I frequently make presentations. 

Blog Post #9: Thursday 11/03 [My Experience as a Distance Learner, Open Educational Resources, and PowerPoint Assignments]

 Blog Post #9: Thursday 11/03 My Experience as a Distance Learner As a junior in high school, I was one of the few students to return to...