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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Blog Post #3: Tuesday 09/14 [Copyright and Fair Use, Technology Implication Issues, and my experience with the Newsletter Design Assignment]

 Blog Post #3: Tuesday 09/14

Copyright and Fair Use:

Copyright is a sometimes invisible protection on intellectual property which prevents others from using a work without the original creator's permission. Some examples of intellectual property include trademarks and inventions. Beware, not all intellectual property is subject to copyright. Most copyright titles must be filed and/or purchased. Fixed work like factual statements and public records cannot be copyright claimed.
Fair use is a term that classifies content as public domain. This is often determined by a judge during an infringement case. During cases like these, the judge must consider the type of content, its nature, the substantiality of the portions used, and the affect of its use. 
Classrooms familiar with technology will run into copyrighted material at every turn. As an educator, I'd take several precautions to follow copyright jurisdiction:
  • never photocopy entire textbooks
  • always purchase copyrighted material
  • ask my school of employment if teachers in my county are permitted to use certain copyrighted material by the creator
  • I will familiarize myself with resources in the public domain 
I will also instruct my students on the proper ways to cite their sources (whether in APA, MLA, etc.).

Technology Implication Issues 

Cyberbullying: Before any technology is utilized, it's important to start a conversation with students about respect online. I would explain that posting content under a different alias gives people often inconsequential power to slew hate online. Then, I would remind my class of the definition of bullying. I would ask them how this concept could transfer over to the internet. Finally, I would reiterate the importance of mutual respect when given access to the internet and interactive software. 
If someone in my class became a victim or perpetrator of cyberbullying, I would contact their parent(s) and my school's administration. From my perspective, cyberbullying is too dyer of a matter to hesitate to consult the administration. 

Decreased Productivity: In terms of technology, I can easily picture a classroom where students are not focused on the digital task at hand. In general, I would limit the time my classroom is using one technological resource continuously. I would set a precedent for on-task operation regarding technological resources. I would also inquire about the software attachments which don't allow users to start new tabs. A reward system would be put in place for quick completion of tasks. If my warnings about distractions are dismissed, I would have a class meeting to discuss the situation with a broad audience. If the issue persists with one particular student, I would then confiscate that technological resource until I could hold a parent-teacher meeting to discuss our options. 

New Skills from Newsletter Design Assignment 

I absolutely loved this assignment. It reminded me of how much I love graphic design and I appreciate specific directions. I'm glad I finally learned how to insert a hyperlink and I'm getting much more familiar with Canva. Word art is also a really interesting tool. In the future, I think my newsletter could look a bit more organized. Because I based the newsletter around an art week, it looks a little all over the place. It may have been more aesthetically pleasing to use graphics with straighter lines and integrate a more clean cut header. Nevertheless, I still loved how it turned out!

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